35 years in Tax Planning, we know the way

Get Tax Estimation for Free !

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Best Price & Fast Service!

Don’t save the receipt?
Receipts that have been missing for years?
Incomplete documents?
Account confused?
Money goes in and out without control?

📢 Don't worry !!!

Don’t wait any longer. Act now!

How GS & CO Helps ?

✅ Don't worry.

GS & CO are there, to solve your problems. Just prepare the Bank Statement. The rest, leave it to us. As a company owner, you don’t need to struggle, you don’t need to have a headache to create a company account. Let us take care of everything for you.

✅ Don't wait.

Don’t wait until you get a penalty or fine from the LHDN (Inland Revenue Board), because there is no proper account management and not declaring your taxes.

✅ Not only that.
Many government loans and grants can be applied for, if your Company’s accounts and taxes are kept up to date. In fact, our services also cover clients throughout Malaysia.

With our extensive tax and business knowledge, we can help you to achieve your objectives. We ensure all tax returns are filed and submitted on a timely basis to avoid tax penalties that are due to late submissions.

Our services include:

Taxation & Advisory

Advising our clients to run their operations in an efficient and effective manner.

Company Tax
Personal Tax
Tax Planning
Tax Computations
Strategic Taxation

Why GS & CO?

As one of member firm of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
With more than 35 years of experience in the field of auditing, accounting, taxation, secretarial and business advisory services
Offer specialist advice you might need to manage your organization effectively
Proactively support your business to help you stay ahead of competition

Tax Expert

One of the most important factors to consider in selecting a accounting firm is the people with whom you will be associated. At GS & CO, our firm’s expertise comes from our collective depth of knowledge. We using our specialist knowledge and understanding of the financial issues that impact your business and we proactively looking at ways to save costs from your current operations.

GS is the Principal of GS & CO. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant trained in London, UK in firms of Chartered Accountants.

He has served both abroad and locally (Malaysia, UK, Australia and Singapore). The training and work experience acquired were wide ranging and spanned different industries and business.

He runs his own Accounting Practice and a Principal Consultant for a number of firms and has vast lecturing experience teaching financial subjects in Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning.


FREE Estimated tax assessment & free tax advice

  • Are you paying too much?
  • Do you plan your tax properly?
  • How to deal with IRB?
  • How to reduce penalty?

*Limited Period Only

Special Offer

Let our Tax Consultant to Estimate Your
Personal Tax or Business Tax for Free !

* For the first 5 customer only *
(First Come First Serve)

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